Spanish and Italian, why are they so similar?
“Chao como estas?” “Ciao come stai?” Even to a person who doesn’t speak neither Italian or Spanish these two sentences sound very similar. It is known to basically everyone that Spanish and Italian sound very alike, but I would argue that is basically the same language. In Italy, you are required to choose a language (apart form English, of course) to take in middle school. The most popular choices are either French or Spanish. I, of course following my life philosophy of “work smarter, not harder”, chose Spanish. I though it would be an easy ride given that I knew already that the languages were very similar so I wouldn’t have to work as much as learning French. Given that, I was not stressing that much about the class, but as the first lesson came around, I was surprised how the teacher could talk in Spanish and me and all my classmates could understand her perfectly. Someone could have a full conversation in Spanish in front of me and, yes, maybe I wouldn’t ...